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MDLS reports and key publications

You can find all the project reports and key research publications by the team here on this page.

MDLS project reports

UK MDLS Reports (Nuffield Foundation and Nominet funded)
MDLS Findings Overview
Overview and summary (PDF)
MDLS Overall Findings Report

A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: Overall Findings Report (PDF)

Measuring the MDLS – Survey reports
A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: Survey Report (PDF)
A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: Survey Appendices (PDF)
Mapping the MDLS
A UK map of Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children
Defining the MDLS – deliberative groups reports
A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: Summary (PDF)
A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: Report (PDF)
A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: House (PNG)
Isa fswm Safon Byw’n Ddigidol ar gyfer Aelwydydd â Phlant:
Crynodeb (PDF)
Isa fswm Safon Byw’n Ddigidol ar gyfer Aelwydydd â Phlant: tŷ (PNG)
Welsh MDLS Reports (Welsh Government Funded)
Concept and stakeholders reports
Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: final report (summary) (HTML)
Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: final report (summary) (PDF)
Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: final report (PDF)
Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: final report (Word)
Tuag at y Safon Ofynnol ar gyfer Bywyd Digidol: adroddiad terfynol (crynodeb)(HTML)
Tuag at y Safon Ofynnol ar gyfer Bywyd Digidol: adroddiad terfynol (crynodeb) (PDF)
Tuag at y Safon Ofynnol ar gyfer Bywyd Digidol: adroddiad terfynol (PDF)
Tuag at y Safon Ofynnol ar gyfer Bywyd Digidol: adroddiad terfynol (Word)
Citizens and stakeholders report
Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: citizen and stakeholder perspectives (HTML)
Tuag at y Safon Ofynnol ar gyfer Bywyd Digidol: safbwyntiau dinasyddion a rhanddeiliaid (HTML)

Other key publications by the research team

Hammond, S., Mark, M., D’Arcy, J., Freya, B., Elona, K., & Jade, B. (2022). Changing Conversations: Empowering Vulnerable Children in a Connected World.
Hill, K and Blackwell, C. (2022), “Nominet Social Impact. Digital Youth Index (2022), Developing a ‘minimum digital living standard’ and how it links with the Digital Youth Index.” Available at:
Stone, E., (2022), “Data Poverty APPG , The Data Poverty APPG’s State of the Nation Report.” Available at:
Stone, E., (2022), “Good Things Foundation (2022), Developing a New Benchmark: A Minimum Digital Living Standard.” Available at:
Yates, S., Polizzi, G., Harris, R., D’Arcy, J., Davis, A., Padley, M., . . . Lovell, J. (2022). Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: Interim Report.
Yates, S.J., Rice, R., Blejmar, J., (in press), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carmi, E. & Yates, S. J. (2020). What do digital inclusion and data literacy mean today?. Internet Policy Review, 9(2), doi: 10.14763/2020.2.1474
Yates, S. J., Carmi, E., Lockley, E. , Pawluczuk, A., French, T. & Vincent, S. (2020). Who are the limited users of digital systems and media? An examination of U.K. evidence. First Monday, 25(7), doi: 10.5210/fm.v25i7.10847
Yates, S.J., Lockley, E., (2018), “Social media and social class”, American Behavioural Scientist, Vol. 62 No. 9, (eISSN: 15523381; ISSN: 00027642) (DOI: 10.1177/0002764218773821)
Yates, S.J, Pidd, M, Joinson, A., Light, A., Maskell, S., Taylor, C., Townsend, L., Weerakkody, V., Wessels, B., Whitty, M., (2016), Ways of Being in a Digital Age: A Systematic Review. Economic and Social Research Council. Role: Principal Investigator. Value £299,634.
Yates, S.J., Kirby, J., Lockley, E., (2015), “Digital media use: differences and inequalities in relation to class and age”, Sociological Research Online, Vol. 20, Issue 4, (ISSN: 1360-7804) (DOI: 10.5153/sro.3751).
Yates, S., Kirby, J., Lockley, E., (2015), “‘Digital-by-default’: reinforcing exclusion through technology” in Foster, L. Brunton, A. Deeming, C. and Haux, T. (eds) (2015) In Defence of Welfare II. Policy Press.
Goraya, H., Light, A., Yates, S.J., (2012), “Contact Networks and the Digital Inclusion of Isolated Community Members”, in Vartanova, E., Smirnova, O., (eds), Digital Divide Yearbook 2011, IAMCR: MediaMir, (ISBN 978-5-91177-048-8).
Yates, S.J., Kirby, J., Lockley, E., (2012), Supporting Digital Engagement – An Intervention with Sheffield Homes, ESRC funded project, (ES/J020869/1). Role: Principal-Investigator. Value: ESRC £60,000, Sheffield Homes matched funding £60,000.
Yates, S.J., Dearden, A., Light, A., (2009), Community ICT Engagement Strategies. Knowledge Transfer Partnership sponsored by the ESRC and the South Yorkshire Metropolitan Councils. Role: Principal Investigator. Value: £85,000.
Yates, S.J., Lockley, E., (2008), “Moments of Separation: Gender, (Not So Remote) Relationships, and the Mobile Phone” in Holland, S., (ed.), Remote Relationships In A Small World, Jones, S., (ed.), Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing (ISBN 978 0 8204 8629 1
Lauener, A., Slack, F., Cassidy, S., Dearden, A., Roast, C., Yates, S.J., (2006), “Methodologies for working with older people: pastiche scenarios”, Gerontechnology: International journal on the fundamental aspects of technology to serve the ageing society, Vol. 5, No. 3, (ISSN 1569-1101, ISSN)
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