Paris Digital Policing and Legal Process Conference
On the 29th November 2022, Prof. Simeon Yates from the University of Liverpool presented at the conference ‘Digital Technology for the Reintegration of Adults With Experience of Modern Slavery’. This was an online event based in Paris.
Prof. Simeon Yates presented the paper “Digital needs and digital inclusion for survivors of modern slavery: an examination of the UK National Referral Mechanism’’. The paper was based upon an ongoing research project conducted by Postdoctoral Research Associates at the University of Liverpool, namely, Rebecca Harris, Dr. Jeanette D'Arcy, and Dr. Gianfranco Polizzi, along with Prof. Yates.
The research team are working collaboratively with representatives from International Organization for Migration (IOM), namely Catherine Cullen, and Bronagh Andrew from Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance (TARA). The research is being carried out for The Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre.
The research presented concluded that survivors of modern slavery have some specific digital inclusion needs, e.g. Individualised support, appropriate training and support, longer term access and skills and support with online harms and risks. In addition to this, stakeholders also need support to provide the above to survivors and to ensure digital skills and capabilities with organisations.