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MDLS launch event

MDLS Launch Event

What is the 'basket' of digital goods, services, and skills needed by an average UK family to live in a digital world?

Join us online to find out about our work to develop the Minimum Digital Living Standard for households, starting with households with children.

The MDLS project team will share the latest findings: what members of the public (taking part in deliberative groups held across the UK) felt should be in the MDLS 'basket' for households with children.

The team will also share findings from research to develop a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard.

There'll be time for Q&A and we'll also outline the next steps for the MDLS: A survey to assess the extent to which households with children meet the MDLS; and a series of roundtables to explore MDLS in relation to specific groups and issues.

Book your ticket here

Looking forward to seeing you on March 15th

The MDLS team

The idea of the MDLS was developed by an interdisciplinary team combining social, geographic, and economic researchers (University of Liverpool, Loughborough University, Good Things Foundation and City University). It is rooted in a household-based, citizen-led assessment of digital needs and uses a range of interlinked methods. The UK MDLS project has been funded by the Nuffield Foundation with Nominet. The Welsh MDLS project has been funded by Welsh Government and undertaken in collaboration with Cwmpas and Swansea University. The views expressed are those of the MDLS team and not necessarily those of the funding partners. 

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